Performance Test

  • Comprehensive Detection

    Simulate the quality inspection of products in operating, transportation, and storage environment.

  • Diverse Experience Ways

    You can choose demo test for remote experience, or test report to get the results directly.

  • Practical Test Situation

    Simulate the network conditions of customers to evaluate how products work in real scenarios.

EMC Test

  • Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test

    This section describes how to verify that the system or device complies with ESD standards and specifications to ensure that the system or device can run reliably and securely in an environment where ESD discharge may occur, and to identify and eliminate potential ESD vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the design, layout, grounding, shielding, or protection of the system or device.

    Test Standard:EN 50121-4
    Test Way:EN 61000-4-2
  • Electrical Fast Transient/burst Immunity Test

    Electrical fast transient/burst immunity testing is a test method that involves applying a series of low energy pulses (called bursts) to the system or device under test (DUT) to assess its immunity to electrical fast transient (EFT)/burst transients.

    Test Standard: EN 50121-4
    Test Way: EN 61000-4-4
  • Surge Immunity Test

    Surge immunity testing is a test method that involves applying high-energy low-frequency pulses (called surges) to the system or device under test (DUT) to assess its immunity to a surge event. A surge event is a phenomenon that occurs when the voltage or current of the power or data lines suddenly changes due to lightning strikes, heavy load switches or short circuits.

    Test Standard: EN 50121-4
    Test Way: EN 61000-4-5

Electric Characteristics Test

  • Insulation Resistance Test

    Insulation Resistance Test is a test method that involves applying a high DC voltage (usually 100V to 10kV) to a system or device under test (DUT) and measuring the resistance of the insulation between conductors or between conductors and ground. It is used to evaluate the quality and condition of the insulation in electrical devices, parts, and equipment.

    Test Standard: TB/T 1447
    Test Way: TB/T 1447
  • Voltage Withstand Test

    Voltage Withstand Test is a test method that involves applying a higher than normal AC or DC voltage to a system or device under test (DUT) and measuring the leakage current through the insulation between conductors or between conductors and ground. It is used to evaluate the quality and condition of the insulation in electrical devices, parts, and equipment.

    Test Standard: EN 50124-1
    Test Way: EN 50124-1
  • Earthing Continuity Test

    Earthing Continuity Test is a test method that involves measuring the resistance of the protective earth conductor of an electrical device, part, or equipment. It is used to verify that there is a good connection between the mains plug and any earthed metal parts of the device, part, or equipment.

    Test Standard: EN60950-1
    Test Way: EN60950-1

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