Computer Interlocking of Kunming Metro Line 4

  • Presentation

    Kunming Metro Line 4 is the fifth metro line in operation in Kunming city, with a total length of 43 km, which is the longest line of Kunming Metro. In order to realize the centralized control of signal, turnout and route, the company needs a set of solutions to solve the following problems:

    1. Remotely monitor and control the servers of each vehicle depot

    2. When the field engineer performs necessary maintenance and repair in front of the equipment, the exclusive control of the equipment is required to avoid data disorder caused by concurrent operation.

    3. In view of the particularity of the subway transportation industry, the equipment needs to be operated safely, reliably and without delay.

  • Chanllenge

    1. How to remotely control the servers of each vehicle depot?

    2. How to reduce cumbersome wiring and labor costs?

    3. Structure division of operation authority

    4. How to ensure the safety, reliability and no delay of the equipment?

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