Compliance Center

International Certificates
  • ISO/TS22163

    ISO/TS22163, formerly known as IRIS, is a set of quality management system standards for the railway industry, which was published and implemented by the European Railway Union on 18 May 2006. ISO/TS 22163 is the latest international enterprise management system standard in the world. It integrates the essence of other international management system standards. ISO/TS 22163 can not only ensure that organizations provide sustainable and stable products and services to meet the requirements of stakeholders, but also help organizations systematically identify risks and scientifically develop effective early warning mechanisms and response strategies.

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  • ISO 14001

    ISO 14001 defines criteria for an environmental management system(EMS). It maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective EMS. It can be used by any organization that wants to improve resource efficiency, reduce waste, and reduce costs. Using ISO 14001 can prove that the organization has reached the international level in environmental management, and can ensure that the control of various pollutants in the various processes, products, and activities of the company meets the relevant requirements.

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  • ISO 9001

    ISO 9001 is defined as the internationally recognized Quality management system (QMS) standard. It is by far the most mature quality framework in the world. More than one million certificates were issued to organizations in 178 countries. ISO 9001 sets standards not only for quality management systems, but for management systems as a whole. It helps organizations succeed by increasing customer satisfaction, employee motivation, and continuous improvement.

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  • PSE

    PSE certification is a compulsory safety certification in Japan. It is used to prove that electrical and electronic products have passed the safety standards tests of the DENAN Law or international IEC standards.

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  • CCC

    CCC is a standard aimed at safety protection and environmental protection in China. It is the statutory compulsory safety certification system and the basic approach to safeguard the consumer's rights and interests and protect the personal and property safety, which is adopted widely by international organizations.

    CCC is a standard aimed at safety protection and environmental protection in China. It is the statutory compulsory safety certification system and the basic approach to safeguard the consumer’s rights and interests and protect the personal and property safety, which is adopted widely by international organizations. DownLoad >
  • UKCA

    UKCA stands for “UK Conformity Assessed”. It is the British version of the European Union’s CE marking. CE, as well as the UKCA mark, are not quality indicators or certification marks. UKCA marking is a similar provision as the CE marking, however applicable to UK laws and the UK market. It must be considered as an implicit declaration from the manufacturer or brand-owner that his product complies with all UK laws and the applicable British conformity assessment procedures.

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    REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. It came into force on 1st June 2007 and replaced a number of European Directives and Regulations with a single system. The regulation aims to protect human health and environmental safety, maintain and improve the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry, and develop innovative capabilities for non-toxic and harmless compounds to prevent market fragmentation, increase the transparency of the use of chemicals, promote non-animal experiments, and pursue sustainable social development.

    REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. It came into force on 1st June 2007 and replaced a number of European Directives and Regulations with a single system. The regulation aims to protect human health and environmental safety, maintain and improve the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry, and develop innovative capabilities for non-toxic and harmless compounds to prevent market fragmentation, increase the transparency of the use of chemicals, promote non-animal experiments, and pursue sustainable social development. DownLoad >
  • RoHS

    RoHS restricts the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment in European Union markets. "RoHS" stands for "Restriction of Hazardous Substances." It refers to regulations, typically passed at a country, state or provincial level laying down rules on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) with a view to contributing to the protection of human health and the environment, including the environmentally sound recovery and disposal of waste EEE. With the rapidly expanding use of EEE globally and the resulting growth in waste EEE, more and more jurisdictions are enacting RoHS regulations.

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  • CE-LVD

    CE-LVD CE mark indicates conformity with the essentialhealth and safety requirements set out inEuropean Directives. Electrical and electronic gadgets are given CE Mark affirmation under the LVD mandate. LVD or Low voltage gadget mandate is appropriate to all electrical items which work in the voltage scope of 50 to 1000 Volts AC and 75 to 1500 Volts DC.

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  • CE-EMC

    CE mark indicates conformity with the essentialhealth and safety requirements set out inEuropean Directives. CE-EMC limits electromagnetic emissions from equipment in order to ensure that, when usedas intended, such equipment does not disturb radio and telecommunication, as well as otherequipment. The directive also governs the immunity of such equipment to interference andseeks to ensure that this equipment is not disturbed by radio emissions, when used asintended. Manufacturers and other economic operators planning to place electrical andelectronic equipment on the market within Europe or put these into use, must meet theessential requirements of the EMC Directive. Only after all essential requirements and otherrelevant CE product requirements have been met, can the CE marking be affixed to electricaand electronic equipment, and can the product be freely placed on the market within theEuropean Union.

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  • ISED

    ISED regulates the radio spectrum for all radiodevices operated in the country. ISED (lnnovation, Science and Economic Development) Canada regulates the radio spectrumfor all radio devices operated in the country and defines the requirements for approval andcertification of radio, consumer electronics and communications devices.

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  • FCC

    FCC indicates that the electromagnetic radiationfrom the device is below the limits. FCC is the Federal Communications Commission, which coordinates domestic and international communications by controlling radio, television, telecommunications, satellite and cable. Many radio applications, communications products and digital products require FCC approval to enter the US market. SDoC is an FCC equipment authorization procedure that requires the party responsible for compliance to ensure that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards. The responsible party is not required to file an equipment authorization application with the Commission or a TCB.

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